Committing To Positivity

If killing someone is a crime, how on earth is killing oneself not a crime?

In the wake of a recent celebrity suicide in India, media has been buzzing with people sharing their thoughts, offering help and advice on taking care of mental health. Among all the postings, there was one that caught my eye. There were many people, including actress Deepika Padukone condemning the media for using the words ‘committed suicide’ instead of ‘died by suicide’. 

While I agree that mental illness is a topic that should be discussed and treated, I disagreed with the above sentiments.

The point being raised is that, since suicide is driven by depression or anxiety, it should not be treated as a crime. I empathize with people going through depression, I am all for helping them and encouraging people to not be stigmatized by the taboos surrounding it and instead focus on getting help in any way they can. I have lived through my own depression and have had suicidal thoughts but I found the strength to go past it.  Having said that, when depression cannot be a reason to get away for killing someone, it cannot be a reason for killing yourself. It should still be considered a crime. 

In fact, it is a punishable offense in many countries like Bangladesh, Bahamas, UAE, Malaysia, and many African countries. Historically, the bodies of people committing suicide were not treated with respect and were denied a normal burial. That has long since stopped and laws were made to distinguish between suicide, homicide, and euthanasia. Regardless, it should not be the only option. 

We need to stop sensationalizing it and instead open more resources to help people in need. We need to take a moment to try and understand what people might be going through and be patient with them. Sometimes all they need is a listening ear. 

End of the day, committing suicide is a crime and should be treated as one. That might probably stop people from taking that extreme step and instead seek help from the right people. 

Reach out. Seek help!